GHQ M​​ilitary Museum​
Bringing History To You
We are asking you to help us succeed in our mission of bringing history to all. We would like to be able to bring our exhibits to those less fortunate. Groups such as Veteran organizations, schools, and retirement communities. We operate on a very small budget that is dependent on public donations. Your support will allow us to bring our exhibits to those groups and organizations. If you would like to support us with our mission please contact us by email or phone.
Being all volunteer and building/restoring as much as we can means 100% of your donation dollars go back into the museum operation.
If you are in the East Texas (Holly Lake) area and would like to be a volunteer please contact us. Our volunteers help with transporting, setting up, and tearing down the displays at events. Volunteers that have knowledge of the military and when possible military history are a plus. Volunteers speak with the public who always have questions or just to share stories and experiences. If you are interested in military history here is your opportunity to help others and learn even more. It's a rewarding experience and sometimes an emotional one as stories are shared by public and veterans.
We also build our own displays and restore and drive military vehicles. Assistance is always welcome with those projects.